Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hero and detail shot (project 1)

Hero shot:

I was inspired by the words curve and geometry, the up workshop is for bernabeifreeman  company, in the middle is the show rooms, they are  simple geometric form which can give a strong contrast with the up workshop, and in the underground there is Off-white workshop. This building is sited in the center of the spuare so that it is easy to catch pedestrian's eyes and can be helpful for  the products selling.

 Detail shot:
Up workshop:

This is the Bernabeifreeman workshop, it is half-transparent deisgn which provide a place for staffs to work as well as enjoying the view, besides, the texture and form is similar with their products in some way.

Showing rooms:

Showing rooms can attract pedestrian's attention when they walk through the square which can have a good effect on advertising the companies products.

workshop underground:

This workshop is for Off-white company, it have lively and bright color that can dirctly show its style. with the different size of spots texture on the wall, it make the workshop looks not too boring.

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